Flight Logging and Statistics

Logging of flight data for flights performed in a flight simulator seems to overshoot the purpose of the hobby. Some people might think so, but for me the logged data is a indispensable source for reviewing past activites and making decisions for future leg planning and procedure trainings. In combination with Google Earth it even gives added value for the hobby and closes the gap to the real world.

After a while of on-line flying with IVAO I started to record my flight. I did this by handwriting in a flight log book from Jeppesen. This worked great for a year or so, but the drawback was not to get statistics just by pressing a button. Therefore I decided to upgrade and bought a licence of mccPILOTLOG. The program is very well designed and fulfills all my requirements. Whatever question you have or whatever data you need, query the database with a few clicks and get the results within a second. There are also many standard reports pre-coded and available with a few 'clicks'.

Excerpt from the upper part of the flights logging page

- Top 20 Desination Report click 'here'
- Destinations Report click 'here'

Month Diagram of logged flights and hours (bock time)

Click the item to expand the diagram

mccpilotlog: http://www.mccpilotlog.net/screenshots.html

Save Your Flights
Another way of logging flights is offered by the an Internet based application called 'Save Your Flights'. The application requires the installation of a small program on your local computer. The program records all relevant flight data (including taxi procedures). After completing the flight you can transfer the flight data to the Save Your Flights internet application. All your flights will be stored there and available for you, but also for other registered people. The most impressive thing is, that the flight can be overlayed on Google Earth. This works very accurate and you can see the gate you started, the taxi path, and the flight path with altitude profile. It's amazing and demonstrates how close flight simulation can be to the real world.

Remark: If the program runs on a other computer than on the FS server, make sure that a widefs client is installed on that PC.

The program collects the following data:

- Depature

- Offblock-time
- Takeoff-time
- Landing-time
- Onblock-time
- Destination

- Type of aircraft

- Fuel consumption
- Aircraft weight
- Takeoff and landing speed
- Touchdown rate
- Exact flight route


Example of a flight from Naples (LIRN) to Nice (LFMN). The planed flight route and some other flight plan data is collected from IVAO or VATSIM respectively.

Flight Simulation meets real world
Click 'here' and download a kml file for Google Earth. The data was recorded with 'Save your Flights' during a flight from Bremen (EDDW) to Berlin Schoenefeld (EDDB).

- The flight started at gate 4 at EDDW
- Taxi via C and F to holding point rwy 27
- Landing on rwy 25 in EDDB.
- Taxi via A, K and H to gate 54.

Make sure that you have Google Earth properly installed on your computer and that the kml MIME type at your internet browser is assigned to Google Earth.

Save your Flight: http://www.saveyourflight.de/index.php?

Last Change: August 2011